New collection on genuine happiness

Meaningful Life

Expanding on the topics of compassion and emotions, the Imagine Clarity app now offers a third collection of resources centered on the cultivation of genuine happiness. It is derived from what we can bring to the world through a cluster of key qualities such as inner peace, inner strength and compassion. Our inner stability is the essential basis to act meaningfully, enjoy our lives, have fruitful relationships, and make our own contribution to society. This collection offers a new way to explore Imagine Clarity's existing rich library through a new lens.
Genuine happiness is an optimal way of being, an exceptionally healthy state of mind that underlies and suffuses all emotional states, allowing us to embrace all of life’s joys and sorrows. It is not a temporary state of euphoria or a pleasant sensation, but a way of life deeply rooted in the pursuit of wisdom and compassion leading to inner freedom, inner strength, and mental clarity.
Meditation is not just emptying our mind and relaxing. It is training our minds. If we cultivate as skills our inner qualities such as benevolence, compassion, clarity, inner peace, inner strength, not only will we flourish in life, but through that we can also benefit others, and care for more social justice and future generations.

—Matthieu Ricard

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