A Path of Insight Continues

Path of Adventure

To support your path of discovery, we will continue highlighting the vipaśyanā theme but with an advanced practice approach with Dr. Alan Wallace. The spirit is to dive into a deep investigation of the mind. You may practice for weeks or months with the same theme and find new nuances and insights along the way as your inner experience is becoming more subtle. A thought for your consideration:
The source of the illusion is our deeply ingrained tendency to reify the objects of perception, imagining them to be independent of our awareness of them.
According to Alan's welcoming words: 
I welcome you on this journey. It is one that I think is the greatest adventure we can embark on because it’s a journey into the very nature of our own existence from the inside out.
Thank you so much for all your feedback! And please remember—if you have questions regarding your meditation practice or the Imagine Clarity app, do not hesitate to contact us.

With warm wishes,

The Imagine Clarity team
Photo: Alan Kozlowski.

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