Explore Imagine Clarity by Topic

We are happy to announce new topic pages now enrich the way you can navigate Imagine Clarity. These collect the unique wisdom of Imagine Clarity's authors around specific themes and learning paths matching your needs and interests. You will find them in the navigation menu under All Topics.
The first topic made available is Compassion. Love and compassion are the cardinal virtues of human existence and are at the heart of healing and hope. When we are surrounded by stress, uncertainty, negativity, pessimism and even fear, it becomes of paramount importance to realise that compassion is a skill that can be learned. Now you can discover all Imagine Clarity courses that particularly cover and emphasise the aspect of compassion, with reflections, meditation guidance and articles. Hope resides in our ability to better and genuinely care for ourselves as individuals, our communities and the planet. This rich content on compassion can offer helpful inspiration for your meditation path for a long period.
Other Topics will follow soon, such as guidance for beginners and advanced practitioners and around themes such as impermanence, emotions and deeper insight. And more to come!
We are here if you have questions about your practice or the Imagine Clarity app!

Photo: Matthieu Ricard