Imagine Clarity is a great help in approaching and practicing meditation daily. After a while, an imperceptible and clearly positive change occurs in our mind, regardless of what is happening, and backing off or giving up is no longer an option. I believe it would even be a great sadness and frustration.
The application is a bit labyrinthine, but it's getting better and better, and there are landmarks to help you find your way around. No matter, we are being tossed around in the realms of wisdom and compassion... Please continue to take us there by guiding us as best you can.
I have already experienced that all the inexhaustible and precious teachings contained in Imagine Clarity must be taken up again and again, as their meaning and feeling are constantly deepening and refining if one contemplates and practices them with humility, consistency and patience.
After some time of continuous practice, sensitive people who know us can perceive small changes in our behavior; the proof is that they express it to us, and listen more carefully to what we can testify. I am naive enough to think that this is already a lot, but I am really amazed and grateful for those who lead us on this path. And the desire not to fall back into the ditch is strong and pervasive.
But let them also be patient! As for spontaneously feeling our profound equanimous goodness and our immense natural tenderness, I have the weakness of thinking that this remains for many, including myself, a noble idea, because one can start from very far away... And that one can need a more progressive and finely convincing approach, so that a complete, authentic and lasting adhesion and interior conversion can begin. In this regard, the teachings of B. A. Wallace seem to me to be a more accessible approach to start with. Having said that, I want to testify that Charles and Matthieu's teachings are touching and that to take them in feels good and manages to imperceptibly change something in oneself... May they be infinitely thanked for it.